The Higher Standard

Stabbing You in the Front with Grace and Truth - Acumen

Written by Dan Cooper | Jan 30, 2019 1:25:18 PM

If you were going to be stabbed, wouldn’t you like to see it coming? That way, you would know who is stabbing you and perhaps be able to defend yourself.

Too often in business, there is unresolved conflict, the gossip train leaves the station and people start a murder mystery by stabbing each other in the back, repeatedly. We all know this is unhealthy, but there seems to be a culture of tolerance and even enjoyment when we get to hear other people’s junk. What’s that about?

We were discussing this topic at an Acumen Council and one Partner talked about their culture of “stabbing people in the front.” If there is unresolved conflict, then don’t go start complaining, politicking, and hating. Go have the crucial conversation, effective confrontation, awkward conflict and eliminate the frustration.

What a great phrase.

Stab them in the front.

It evokes the right mindset, but perhaps the violence of it creates a different challenge. How do I do it with truth AND grace. No one wants to be stabbed, but they’ll appreciate it if it’s done with care. (That’s a silly sentence to write).

What if you had a tool that you could use with what is most likely one of your greatest and most common challenges? People. Because we are messy human beings, you’ll always need to get better with how we deal with people and … stab them in the front.

The good news is that we have such a tool which is a simple 8-step process we affectionately call FETCH.

FETCH stand for Frustration Elimination Through Confrontation that’s Healthy.

FETCH is time tested and quite literally THE MOST POWERFUL TOOL I’ve seen used to deal with high-stakes challenges relating to people. Spouses. Children. Partners. Executives. Managers. Front-liners. Anyone who matters in your life and business! While relationships and performance shouldn’t be always measured numerically, I’ve seen it foster multi-million dollar outcomes. It works, and it’s bathed in grace AND truth. Hard on the issue; soft on the person!

This tool is normally reserved for Acumen Partners only, but it’s so effective we’d like to share it with you and your team.

We’ve set this tools up so that you can use it individually or as a discussion and facilitation tool with your executive team. You can assign it as homework, but we suggest your read it together and then answer the discussion questions as a group.

Download FETCH today and start stabbing your team in front with grace and truth.